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Nick the Promoter

Nov 28 - Nick the Bookman is doing his very best to promote my Lamma calendar.

Calendar on Sale

Nov 27 - "This is an amazing calendar, excellent quality and stunning photographic art!"

Antique Aquabike?

Nov 20 - I've been suggesting to use it as perfect statue for the Bike Park, raised on a pedestal.

Triple Jabbed

Nov 19 - [COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment Reminder] Vaccine: BioNTech (COMIRNATY).

HK Impressions 2022 Calendar

Nov 16 - A4 size wall calendar available for $200, customised & printed individually.

Flora & Fauna Database

Nov 15 - 1,000+ flora & fauna species have been recorded, photographed and confirmed.

Typically Lamma!

Nov 12 - Send me your photos for addition to this long-running photo gallery.

Ballychunder, The Mongcocks & MeatgasM

Nov 11 - "3 bands making the trek over the vast ocean to rock..."

7% Electricity Tariff Increase

Nov 10 - "...upsurge in global fuel prices and a worldwide supply shortage..."

Hong Kong Impressions

Nov 7 - My 2nd NFT Collection has just gone online for sale at only 0.05 ETH each.

Wow! Fucking Awesome!

Nov 3 - "Make at least one person happy per day!"

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Nov 28:  Nick the Promoter

Nick the Bookman is doing his very best to promote my Lamma calendar in which he's featured on the cover:

It's kind of amusing to see "Nick the Luddite" promote this digital art calendar. He hasn't touched a computer or even a mobile phone in years, still uses a home landline phone with answering machine and his gmail has been dormant for years. I built a website for him, handle only his forwarded urgent emails, and post some of his photos & stories on Facebook and in this Lamma-zine occasionally. "Volunteer Digital Media Assistant" to VIP Nick, that's me.

My "creative process":
This Lamma calendar has been entirely digitally designed on my PC, using text prompts and occasionally my own digital photos as input to generate semi-abstract, digital illustrations with help from highly complex AI neural net programs (VQGAN+CLIP) on a commercial website.

To keep me motivated the website awards badges and free generation credits when reaching some of their "milestones":

After months of trial and error, many late nights, only the "best" digital dabblings & creative experiments (out of 1,000+ generated images) survived.

I Photoshopped them heavily, designed the monthly calendar online, paid by debit card online and submitted it virtually to the printers for on-demand printing.

It only became a non-virtual item a few days later when I picked up a single calendar in town. Only one printed copy exists so far and I gave it away as a present to a good friend. Awaiting just a handful of more orders till I'll get more printed. Email me!

Nov 27:  Calendar on Sale

Click above if you'd like to learn more about this A4-size monthly wall calendar.

P.S. 40+ years of creating digital art:

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Nov 20:  Antique Aquabike?

Bike for sale @ YSW ferry pier, a real antique!
Or is it an art installation, aged naturally underwater and then exhibited open-air to the commuting public on the pier?

This is what happens if a bike gets tossed off the pier into the shallow ocean below and hoisted out a few years later by a magnet-fishing resident. Posting my photo on Facebook attracted a lot of great and "Typically Lamma!" comments:

"Aquabike. Permanent Resident. Great garden ornament.
Any oysters in the basket? Maybe an occasional octopus under the seat?"

I've been suggesting:

  • Using it as a statue on a pedestal in the Bike Park.

  • Placing it atop the clock/temperature display in the nearby sitting-out area.

  • Signature exhibit for an upcoming "YSW Under the Sea" exhibition in the new YSW Library just behind the Bike Park.

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Nov 19:  Triple Jabbed

"B02 [Centre Code] [COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment Reminder]
Vaccine: BioNTech (COMIRNATY)
Reference Number: V99XXXXXXXXXXX

Group: Others (Persons who do not belong to any of the above groups)

Third Dose: 19 Nov 11:00 AM, Community Vaccination Centre, Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre

Please remember to bring your identity document and supporting documents of your priority group (as appropriate) for vaccination and you may refer to ( for the information notes for successful booking.

[Do not reply]"

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Nov 16:  HK Impressions 2022 Calendar

My latest calendar Hong Kong Impressions 2022 is ready now! A4 size wall calendar available for HK$200 (printing cost $168), printed individually on demand, includes Chinese calendar and HK holidays.

Email me for more details.

Gillian writes: "This is an amazing calendar, excellent quality and stunning photographic art! I am truly delighted with mine!
Just bought a pile to send to friends and family."

Free printed calendar when buying one of my NFTs of the same pictures:

P.S. For examples of my former calendars since 1980:

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Nov 15:  Flora & Fauna Database

1,000+ flora & fauna species have been recorded, photographed and confirmed on iNaturalist's Lamma database so far. Add your own discoveries!

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Nov 12:  Typically Lamma!

A few more Typically Lamma! photos.
Send me yours for addition to this long-running photo gallery.

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Nov 11:  Ballychunder, The Mongcocks & MeatgasM

"3 bands making the trek over the vast ocean to rock the shit out of the tropical paradise island that is Lamma!
... and get this! At Lamma Grill! Eating, drinking, and unbridled fun are the required attire.

MEATGASM - Thick cuts of Heavy Meat Rock served up at high volume, seared on the outside, and rare as F in the middle!

MONGCOCKS - Hong Kong punk band that likes to drink beer and play fast!

BALLYCHUNDER - Folk punk songs of rebellion, beer and whisky!"

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Nov 10:  7% Electricity Tariff Increase

"HK Electric announced today that the upsurge in global fuel prices and a worldwide shortage in supply have resulted in a higher Fuel Clause Charge for 2022, leading to a 7% increase in the Net Tariff, or 8.9 cents per unit of electricity.

Mr. Wan Chi-tin, Managing Director of HK Electric, attributed the tariff increase wholly to the rise in fuel prices which is beyond the Company's control.

To further alleviate the tariff impact on the general public under the current economic climate, HK Electric will set aside $63 million from three existing funds to provide support for the underprivileged, promote energy efficiency and conservation and strengthen education on low carbon living.

In support of the Government's long-term goal to achieve carbon neutrality, HK Electric has achieved good progress with the "coal-to-gas" transition. The installation of a new gas-fired unit L11 has been completed with testing in progress and commissioning scheduled for the first quarter of 2022 after that two coal-fired units will cease operation. The installation of another gas-fired unit L12 has also begun and is on track for commissioning in 2023.

By then, the proportion of gas-fired generation will be increased to about 70% of total output. At the same time, the Offshore LNG Terminal currently under construction is scheduled for commissioning in mid-2022."

HK Electric 2022 Tariff Adjustments

HK Electric 2022 major relief and energy-saving promotion items

Oct 7: HK Electric Pledges Full Support for "Net-Zero Carbon Emissions for Electricity Generation"

Oct 21: Beware of Bogus Emails with Malicious Links or Attachments

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Nov 7:  Hong Kong Impressions

My 2nd NFT Collection has just gone online for sale at only 0.05 ETH each; including a free printed 2022 monthly calendar of all the images, plus an A3-size, signed, high-resolution print of your image, for HK Residents only.

"A collection of AI generative art pictures inspired by the beautiful city of Hong Kong. Created by Lamma-Gung, a Swiss living happily in an island forest in Hong Kong. He's been cheerfully messing around with creating digital art in numerous styles for over 40 years, exhibiting in real-world art galleries, creating printed calendars, posters, etc."

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Nov 4:  Lamma Mia @ Sok Kwu Wan

Art-OUR in situ writes:

"To celebrate the Moon Festival, we initiated the 'Mid-Autumn Fest @ Sok Kwu Wan' for islanders on Sep 18.
There was a lot going on that night, include screening and revolving lantern workshop. There was also a parade along Sok Kwu Wan with spectacular lanterns created by artists, Brandon and Humchuk.
The islanders also enjoyed our Riddle Guessing Game Booth and Old Photos Exhibition. What a wonderful night!"

The Loop HK: Lamma Mia: Four Months of Events and Exhibitions on the Island's History and Lifestyle

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Nov 3:  Wow! Fucking Awesome!

"Make at least one person happy per day!"
My motto, but very hard and challenging to do on a regular basis.

Well, I hope to have succeeded today, judging from Nick's face after receiving my own AI-assisted digital illustration "Psychedelic as Hell" (Nick's website motto:

Signed by Nick and Yours Truly, by my usual digital watermark and rare hand signature. Maybe a monthly picture for my printed Lamma 2022 calendar?



The Lamma-zine started in 2002 and will be updated frequently with anything vaguely related to Lamma Island or her residents, be it news, stories, events, links, photos, artworks, videos, etc. p class="blog"> Contact Lamma-Gung with anything relevant to Lamma or Lammaites that you'd like to see published in the Lamma-zine, Events Calendar, Photo Galleries, Links or in our Eng. and Chin. forums!

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