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Amazing Sunset Season

Jun 22 - Just in time for Summer Solstice yesterday,...

'A Humble Hamlet Transforms'

Jun 17 - Mute Planet comments on their drone video:

Song of the Year?

Jun 12 - "I recorded the sounds of the Asian banded bullfrogs on Lamma"

Sooo Old?

Jun 11 - Should I get this "Vintage Nerd T-shirt" from Geeks Outfit?

Danger! Dangerous Tree!

Jun 7 - The owner of the Pak Kok Village house in the first picture was worried.

10 Easy Bike Rides

Jun 6 - "DJ and Robbie are weaving along Lamma Island's coastal paths."

World Environment Day

Jun 5 - HK Electric arranged visits to the Lamma Power Station in May and June.

Beer Shack's Pride Month

Jun 1 - Pride Movie Night, Quiz, Charity Raffle, Art Show

Power Station Facts

May 31 - "The proportion of gas-fired generation by HK Electric..."

Rescuing a Black Kite

May 30 - Pak Kok resident Dr. Anna Goldman (Instagram) to the rescue!

Mediterranean or South-African?

May 29 - A BIG compliment to LAPA Cafe Bar for this Mediterranean platter!


Preparing for Rainstorms & Flooding

May 27 - Several heavy rainstorms have caused flooding, especially on Lamma.


Love Living in Pak Kok!

May 24 - A big thank-you to the VV driver who stopped me...

Lamma Barber

May 23 - Before/ after visiting the Lamma Barber! Highly recommended for...


Curry Lover?

May 22 - "Don't let the rainy weather dampen your day, have a nice, warming curry!"

'I Love My License Plate!'

May 21 - Ex-Lammaite Frazer McGilvray, living on a not-car-free island now, writes:


Nightlife Resumed

May 14 - Our very lively nightlife has resumed in full now!

NO - NO - NO

May 13 - Where to get breads, cakes and pastries with NO eggs, NO milk, NO butter...


Archive Updates

May 12 - Best of Lamma-zine - Lamma News, Events, Spotlights Archives

Fish Deterrent System

May 8 - Lamma Power Station deterring fishes from the cooling water intakes.


My Favourite Lamma Lunch

May 7 - My personal favourite and very best value for money:

New Ferry Central - YSW

May 6 - New Govt.-subsidised passenger ferry started up on Sat, May 4.


Mox Lamma 500

May 5 - So many photos and videos from our yearly international dragonboat festival.

Cantonese Opera in YSW

May 2 - Golden Dragon and Phoenix Troupe Celebrates the Birthday of Tin Hau.


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June 22:  Sunsets Are Back!

Just in time for Summer Solstice yesterday, the Amazing Sunset Season has finally started up again, unusually late this year!
Let me admire and celebrate these free, almost daily spectacles, my zoom lens at the ready on our shared rooftop!

June 17:  'A Humble Hamlet Transforms'

Mute Planet comments on their drone video:

"Cloud Village (Yung Shue Wan)
On rainswept mornings like these, a humble hamlet transforms into a 'village in the clouds'. It's an air of mystery we don't often see at sea level. [videography: Mark Malby]"

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June 12:  Song of the Year?

Brendan Sheridan writes:

"I recorded the sounds of the Asian banded bullfrogs on Lamma (the ones that are really noisy after heavy rain) and re-pitched the sounds to make a short song. It is not pleasant to listen to and is pretty obnoxious. Have a listen!"

We fondly remember Brendan's yearly Summer Tours in YSW pre-Covid. Let's hope he resumes them this year!

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June 11:  Sooo Old?

Should I get this "Vintage Nerd T-shirt" from Geeks Outfit? So honest, non-self-congratulatory, not-youth-obsessed, very fitting for this aging, geeky vintage nerd!

But it's missing vinyl LPs and the even older black, large floppy disks of the very first PCs I've used, pre-Apple, early 80s. Since then I've been creating computer art as a fun hobby on many computer systems:

I've been growing up with a single phone landline and without any TV till 2nd primary school (then only a small B/W screen and noisy picture for many years, including the first moon landing live!).
Nowadays I can access the world's news, info, social media and entertainment via high-speed fiber Internet, the technical progress in my lifetime has been utterly astonishing.

I feel so grateful and happy to be alive in our amazing age, enjoying every day, despite all the negative news stories. Almost 80 years without a World War, we've all been so lucky in our lives so far. My parents suffered through the entire WW2 as children, my grandparents even through both WWs.

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June 7:  Danger! Dangerous Tree!

First 2 pictures from the Pak Kok Families WhatsApp group   

The owner of the Pak Kok Village house in the first picture was worried about the tree starting to lean, showing dark patches on the trunk, see 3rd picture. 

Calling LCSD Dept. they came by and advised him that the tree had become dangerous and unstable from the progressing rot and might fall over in the next typhoon this summer, endangering the building and its residents.

The Govt. workers have been climbing the tree, then felling it today, just the stump is left now. Let's hope that they'll plant another tree on this path-side patch of public land. But that would be another Govt. dept.'s responsibility...

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Jun 6:  10 Easy Bike Rides

"In this second episode of 10 Easy Bike rides, DJ and Robbie are weaving along Lamma Island's coastal paths as they ride from one side of the Island to the the other."

Lamma Island | Hong Kong's Ten Best Bike Rides

"In this episode of Drone and Phone, we’re riding Lamma Island's trail network, taking in some jumps, flow-trails, climbs, and a descent through some buttery berms."

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Jun 5:  World Environment Day

Taking advantage of World Environment Day today, HK Electric arranged visits to the Lamma Power Station in May and June for members of the public and shareholders to learn more about the adoption of the sustainability goals in their daily operations, including Renewable Energy, Protection of Natural Resources and Natural Ecology at the Power Station!

This year, HGK Electric has adopted "Waste Reduction and Recycling" as its theme, organizing environmental talks, inviting officials to talk about waste reduction measures, launching a quiz competition, encouraging colleagues to donate used books and small electronic items for recycling, etc.

HK Electric's Sustainable Development Goals:

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June 1:  Beer Shack's Pride Month


The Lamma-zine started in 2002 and will be updated frequently with anything vaguely related to Lamma Island or her residents, be it news, stories, events, links, photos, artworks, videos, etc.

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